New hats ready to take to Topeka. Hope people like these ones. I have more in the works. Am going to use patterns in a felting book to make flowers to pin to some one color hats. I've been told that if the embellishments are removable they appeal to a wider number of people. Love the colors in these ones. Wool was sent to me by my friend Judi. With her encouragement I've been rather successful in making these. I've begun branching out to make each hat a bit different. These are plainer than the last ones I posted but I'm very happy with them. Off to make more. Hopefully they'll catch on and I'll be able to make more.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Four more hats
These are all knit from sheep's wool courtesy of McRanch at Dripping Springs, TX. I've tried to be a bit creative with these ones. A good friend has let me know that embellishments that are permanently attached, limit the number of people who would want that. SO, I've pulled out my book on felting so as to be able to make felted embellishments like leaves and flowers that can be attached with pins or very small stitch holders. We'll see how that works. DRUM ROLL please!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
On cats and dogs
I've been trying for a very long time to get pictures of Prince the cat beside one of the dogs for size comparison. Finally I got my chance. Spot the dog is about 60 lbs. The smaller cat is Mikey and I know for sure he's about 15 lbs. Spot and Butch are nearly the same weight. Butch weighs about 55lbs.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Okay, I'm on a bit of a roll here......
Here's the second one I made. Have to get creative with hot water situation. Doesn't get hot enough to shrink the hats the first time round. This one took four, (yes 4) trips through the washer. It's a bit larger than the one I posted yesterday. As you see the last photo is both hats side by side. The one from yesterday is for a small head. This one fits a medium to large. Both are posted for sale on ArtFire.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My I-cord hat
Dreamed this one up a couple of days ago. Had trouble felting the silly thing. Had to run it through the washer four times. There's another one doing it's fourth journey through the washing machine. Different kind of yarn and a bit different in design. If it works out will post that one too.
The bottom two pictures you will see what it looked like before the fourth spin round the washer. Very 60's but unless the wearer has a very big head, it wouldn't have worked. Comments anyone??
The bottom two pictures you will see what it looked like before the fourth spin round the washer. Very 60's but unless the wearer has a very big head, it wouldn't have worked. Comments anyone??
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Well I have another new hat!!
I am tickled with this one. It looks like something out of Jane Austin's time. My photos don't do it justice. I did this one with two sticks by the pattern directions to see how it would come out. The hat took approximately 8 hours from start to finish. Well, almost finish. I have to tie off some loose ends and re-tack the little flap. I think I'll be experimenting with different decorations on this one too. The flap as per pattern, (well sort of per pattern anyway) is nice but it could use some tweeking.
NOW I'm going to tackle it by machine. It seems that when you do hand patterns your mind can wrap itself around what would be needed to adapt it to the machine. Wish me luck. The pattern directions said this was a medium. Will have to try the large as well and see what the difference it. Maybe some flowers where the flap is? KNIT ON!!!!
NOW I'm going to tackle it by machine. It seems that when you do hand patterns your mind can wrap itself around what would be needed to adapt it to the machine. Wish me luck. The pattern directions said this was a medium. Will have to try the large as well and see what the difference it. Maybe some flowers where the flap is? KNIT ON!!!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Baby's new hat
This was quickly made and it's for my new God-son. I was so touched that my young friends asked me.
Love making these hats. They can be made in three hours give or take if you work start to finish.
The ribbing at the back is my own take. The original pattern is stockinette stitch which rolls up. The ribbing is to keep the back of baby's neck warm. Best part of this pattern is there's no seaming to be done. Hat comes off already together and the stitches are picked up on each side to make the ties. All that's left at the end is weaving in a few ends.
You can see with the side views that there are two colors of yarn. The inside is Caron Simply soft for warmth and comfort. The outside is Red Heart. It would be quite easy to adapt even further for an older child by taking up more stitches and making an attached scarf instead of ties.
Love making these hats. They can be made in three hours give or take if you work start to finish.
The ribbing at the back is my own take. The original pattern is stockinette stitch which rolls up. The ribbing is to keep the back of baby's neck warm. Best part of this pattern is there's no seaming to be done. Hat comes off already together and the stitches are picked up on each side to make the ties. All that's left at the end is weaving in a few ends.
You can see with the side views that there are two colors of yarn. The inside is Caron Simply soft for warmth and comfort. The outside is Red Heart. It would be quite easy to adapt even further for an older child by taking up more stitches and making an attached scarf instead of ties.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Current progress
As promised here are some pictures. Remember when I said I wouldn't be improvising a garment without pattern again? I was mistaken. The Christening Gown has no pattern. I'm not certain yet if I'm doing the back or the front of the gown. But there's progress anyway. So here they are....first Kat's sweater and then the beginning of the gown.
You can see that the second sleeve of the sweater is now in progress. I hope she'll like it and that it will fit properly. The last pictures are of the gown, back first and the last picture is what the front side will look like. Hoping and praying this turns out well. I have four sweaters yet to knit, 8 shrugs and 3 Christening Gown. I'm going to be busy.
You can see that the second sleeve of the sweater is now in progress. I hope she'll like it and that it will fit properly. The last pictures are of the gown, back first and the last picture is what the front side will look like. Hoping and praying this turns out well. I have four sweaters yet to knit, 8 shrugs and 3 Christening Gown. I'm going to be busy.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What's going on here?
Two projects going.....still working on Kat's sweater. They spell it Katheryn and it's taken me YEARS to get the spelling right.
So, I've nearly finished one sleeve! I'm down to the cuff. Still working sans pattern so am hoping this will turn out well in the end. Began the sleeve at the arm hole on double points. Will begin the second one the same way. Interesting that a "faint" outline spirals down the sleeve. I rather like it. It doesn't show in a bold way, just enough to make it interesting. I figure it has something to do with hooking the last stitch on the needle to the following needle while I knit.
So, only one sleeve to go.
I have a Christening dress on the LK150. Again without a pattern. I'm just figuring this out as I go. Kat's sweater was inspired by the cable/lace pattern on a sweater. The Christening Gown is just because I can't find a suitable pattern for the knitting bed. SO, I'm just taking different techniques such as beginning with a ruffle at the bottom and going from there. Have to hope that I remember on the second part what I did on the first. I don't even know if this will turn out to be the front or the back of the gown. Guess I should decide that before I get to the top. SHEESE, I have to wonder what goes on in my mind sometimes.
Will post pictures at a later time.
I have 8 shrugs to make for a convent. Hope to begin this project next week. Shrugs on knitting beds take very little time so I should have the made for the sisters very quickly. I'm tickled that I can do something for them.
THEN, I have four more sweaters to make. I'm not busy am I? Will update and post pictures as I can.
So, I've nearly finished one sleeve! I'm down to the cuff. Still working sans pattern so am hoping this will turn out well in the end. Began the sleeve at the arm hole on double points. Will begin the second one the same way. Interesting that a "faint" outline spirals down the sleeve. I rather like it. It doesn't show in a bold way, just enough to make it interesting. I figure it has something to do with hooking the last stitch on the needle to the following needle while I knit.
So, only one sleeve to go.
I have a Christening dress on the LK150. Again without a pattern. I'm just figuring this out as I go. Kat's sweater was inspired by the cable/lace pattern on a sweater. The Christening Gown is just because I can't find a suitable pattern for the knitting bed. SO, I'm just taking different techniques such as beginning with a ruffle at the bottom and going from there. Have to hope that I remember on the second part what I did on the first. I don't even know if this will turn out to be the front or the back of the gown. Guess I should decide that before I get to the top. SHEESE, I have to wonder what goes on in my mind sometimes.
Will post pictures at a later time.
I have 8 shrugs to make for a convent. Hope to begin this project next week. Shrugs on knitting beds take very little time so I should have the made for the sisters very quickly. I'm tickled that I can do something for them.
THEN, I have four more sweaters to make. I'm not busy am I? Will update and post pictures as I can.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Experimenting on the LK 150
This is the result of just wanting to see what something would look like. It began with 28 stitches. Carriage moved 3x's moved ever other stitch over one in the direction the carriage would go next. Knit 40 rows. Added 28 more stitches each side of the knitting. Same procedure very 3 rows for 40 more rows. Cast off and seamed the sides. Made the ruffle and seamed it. Not finished yet because I haven't decided if I'll use ribbon or if I'll knit ties. Still, I was pleased with the results. Could be cute and now that I know the pattern sequence, I can make one without the lacy part and it will do for winter. This one will only do for Spring and Fall. Not terribly warm but I think a baby girl would look cute in it.
Back to other projects. Bettcha thought I'd gone to sleep dintcha? Nope, I've been knitting a Christening dress and this bonnet and waiting for the chance to get new needles to continue on the sweater.
Back to other projects. Bettcha thought I'd gone to sleep dintcha? Nope, I've been knitting a Christening dress and this bonnet and waiting for the chance to get new needles to continue on the sweater.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Baby dress in cotton yarn
Tried to do this on the knitting bed, but cotton isn't cooperative on my machines. So, I used two sticks. Originally the pattern was from Kraemer Yarns. Will be doing another with their cotton blend yarn when I can get some. Anyway, I had to alter the pattern. The stripes were supposed to be vertical and in order to work on the circular needle I had to knit horizontal stripes. Yes, I had to frog it once or twice.
It was interesting knitting with cotton. I've always used wool or acrylic. Now to find a source of yarn that will work on the machines. I know it's going to have to be a cotton blend. So far I'm looking at Peaches and Creme and Brown Sheep yarns. Both are American. I buy American whenever I can.
I hand washed the dress this morning. It's still damp, after leaving it in the dryer on low heat for over an hour. That's not going to go over well with Mom's. Still, this is a heavier weight cotton yarn. I'd love to try it again with a finer yarn.
It was interesting knitting with cotton. I've always used wool or acrylic. Now to find a source of yarn that will work on the machines. I know it's going to have to be a cotton blend. So far I'm looking at Peaches and Creme and Brown Sheep yarns. Both are American. I buy American whenever I can.
I hand washed the dress this morning. It's still damp, after leaving it in the dryer on low heat for over an hour. That's not going to go over well with Mom's. Still, this is a heavier weight cotton yarn. I'd love to try it again with a finer yarn.
Even more tutorial photos

It's always amazing to me the difference in the color before and after. There are six or eight more to do in the dining room. It's fun!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
More tutorial pictures
The pictures aren't in exact order, but first you sand the daylights out of the switch plates to remove all the shiney, squish the clay to soften it, put it on the plates, impress with your chosen design, bake in the toaster oven and there you have it! I did forget to take a picture of the glaze I put over the finished product but then you can put them back on the wall. You can use, as I did here an unmounted rubber stamp or you can bake and paint, which is what I'll be doing in other rooms. I do intend to use glow in the dark clay for my nephew's room.
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