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Monday, March 21, 2011

Well here come the pumpkins.

I really like this new pattern from SHTUCHKA on Ebay.  She not only makes easy patterns that are quick and fun, she encourages you to used your imagination.  So I did.  These are the newest offering on Artfire.  Baby Pumpkin Booties.  I have lemon lime in mind next.

In any event I now now how to knit tiny leaves to embellish with.  One of the skills I'm working on is learning how to take the things I make just one step further. 

Oh, and I finished another fedora.  This one turned out very well but is drying on top of a lamp at the moment.  Pictures to follow.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

I tinkered and won!

I've been working on a new pattern for fedora's.  The first one was a failure as it had no body and wouldn't hold it's shape very well.  This one was made with two strands of yarn and looks much better.  Since I had two requests for fedora's it was important to get it right.  Now there is only to embellish them.  I have feathers imported from another state and from England to apply.  Will be making the feathers detachable in case the recipients either don't like them or need to protecct the feathers from the weather.

So, there's a black fedora on the needles now and will be making at least two more.  Baby booties are in process as well.  Then there's the man's pullover sweater.  Considering making that with cables.  Should be fun!

Hope your day goes well.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy with the results

I got the second bootie finished and it's up on Artfire.  I have six or seven bootie patterns I'm looking at besides.  One of my sisters asked for a pair of these and another pair, but that's the project on the agenda for tomorrow.

For today I'm pleased with what I've accomplished.

It's all coming together!

I bought a pattern from eBay, by Vita Beylina.  The first item was finished yesterday evening, although I'm still trying to figure out how to knit some strawberry blossoms out of crochet thread.  I'm really pleased with this pattern.  Will be posting these to Artfire where I have a studio under the name of Kansas Stitch Twister.

I'm very happy with the way these worked up.  Thanks Vita, they're very cute.  I have other patterns which I will also be putting up.  Will be making hats to match as well to be sold separately and as sets.  This is so much fun.


Monday, March 14, 2011

And the knit goes on!

Working on designing the first of four sweaters for some of my nieces.  "Kat" loves pink.  The sweater is pink.  Whoa, what was I thinking when I decided to do this without a pattern?  I'm STILL waiting for size stats from my sister on this sweater.  Maybe it would be a good idea to push for all the size information for the other three while I'm at it.

Still working on the new pattern for Fedora's.  OH! Didn't I mention that?  I've made felted hats for several years now and am working with a brand spankin new pattern for a fedora style hat.  First one came out beautifully shaped but the fabric is too soft to hold the shaping as one would need for such a hat.  BUMMER.

So back to the drawing board on that hat.  I'm going to try using two strands together and see if that
will give the hat more body.  As for the first one, I'll try felting it again and see if it shrinks a bit more.  If it does, I can try making a fedora tea cosy out of it.  I have another five hats of the round, curled brim variety that didn't felt properly, well, the felted but they didn't shrink.  Currently brainstorming with Me, Myself and I to figure out how to re purpose them and what to make them into.  Tea cosies were at the top of that list, but they're way too big for that as yet.  If all else fails, I can cut them up to make decorative floral pieces for other hats.

So that's where my week begins.  It remains to be seen how it ends.  Wish me luck!

Side view of the errant fedora
Fedora from the top!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Still trying to figure out this dadgum computer.

I'm rather stunned at the color drain of cameras.  The wall is actually much darker than it appears in the photo.  More a deep navy green.    The plates, however, are pretty much on the mark colorwise.   I'm happy with the results of the clay switch covers though.  As I mentioned so is Mom and she's looking forward to having switch plate and plug plate covers in all the rooms of the house.  Now to work on clay colors for each room and designs.  I might paint some of them instead of stamping.  The bronze color that shows on the plates is a powder that was put on the rubber stamp pad and the plate with the clay on it was pressed firmly into the stamp.  Rather a nice result.
Then there's the scarf.  I'm very happily using the same pattern in the design of a new sweater, this time in pink for one of my nieces who favors that color.

I've been searching for other patterns with lace and/or cable patterns for the other nieces.  Gotta love having girls around to knit for.

Now to figure out how to put pictures on.