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Friday, April 27, 2012

Here I am again.....

There are several projects in progress, but thought I would show you the latest finished ones.  Three pair of slippers from a pattern by Sandy Sherman at Baby Jane Machine Knits.  Love this pattern.  Two pair have found homes, the third will stay with me since there is a glaring mistake.  I lost count of the rows and made one too much smaller than the other to be of use to anyone.  Bummer!

The purple and blue pair will stay with me because I made one foot so much smaller than the other.  The red pair are on their way to Canada for a cousin's daughter and the pastel pair are for my Mom.  She likes them.

This pattern is the first thing I learned to do on the knitting machine.  Sandy Sherman gave me some guidance and I found they are quick and easy to do.  I don't doubt that I will be making more of them.  All three of these are adult sizes but these can be made for any size.  That's one thing I love about Sandy's patterns, there are always so many size options.

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well it's me again.  It's funny that every time I make something there are a myriad of spinoffs in my head.  Same is true with this one.
First a young friend sent me a picture of a hat she liked and asked me if I could make something like it.  Well the original takes periodic purl rows and since I don't have a garter bar, I improvised.
Took the hat to her today and she liked, it fit and all is right with the world.  I got a charge out of it when she said "I love this yarn", which is exactly the yarn I used.
So here you'll find pictures of Anna's hat.  She looks good in the hat and she's happy with it.

Oh, and the loose yarn has been sewn in, that's not part of the finished hat.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just adding the last of the two

So, assignment finished for now.  Took these pictures this morning.  The young lady is my niece.  The hat is obviously too big, but she's not yet 10.  This hat is actually larger than the other one.  Both have embellishments that are sewn to pin backs. Note that the *bow* attached to the rose as a background piece is a scrap from yesterday's attempt at needle felting.  Waste not want not as the saying goes.  As an aside, it took me YEARS to figure out what that saying did, Petunia ain't got no friend, and  you can't have your cake and eat it too,.....but I digress!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Putting new knowledge to use

Okay, I ain't sayin it's all that pretty, but it's a new effort to repurpose hats that went wrong.  Oh yeah, they went wayyyy wrong.  First the color they went in the washing machine with didn't come out the other side, and then, the never did shrink.  So they've been sitting around here taking up space and niggling at the back of my head to morph into something......this morning they did.  Well, maybe morphed isn't quite the word, maybe it's more they splurffed into being.  I cut pieces out of several hats and used a felting needle to hammer them into what looks like a giant amoeba with a suntan.  It's not, as I said, pretty, but I think it's interesting and it's another foray into needle felting.  I'm thinking next time I'll be making a hat embellishment for a pin back, it will have a more,.....cohesive?,, I know, *defined* shape.  Yes, yes, that's it....I'll make a fish shape for the next one.  That outta be good dontcha think?  Yep, yepper, I believe I'll make a fish.

So friends, I'm off to make more hats and stuff. ;-)

Toodles for now

Friday, January 13, 2012

First attempt at Eeyore

Okay, it's also my first attempt at stuffing something.  It's not all that pretty.  There will be a second attempt.  I would like to "tweek" this a whole lot.  Not entirely happy with results.  Ah well, live and learn.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Felted flowers attempt

So, as I said, I'm learning to make felted embellishments for the hats.  After searching high and low for patterns, this is the result.  Also bought a book and the tools for doing punch felting.  Made one attempt at that, forgot to photo, but will remember next time.  Anyhoo, this is what came out of my fevered little brain this time. ;-)

The embellishment is supposedly a Calla Lily, a red rose bud and two leaves.  I'll leave it to your imagination to supply the rest.  This is my first attempt as I say, and there are other things percolating such as using tulle, ribbons, buttons, etc., if you're a fellow crafter you know what I mean.

Feedback would be good.